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Meet the founder

My name is Justine and I am the founder of Yin to the Yang Yoga.

I am a yoga teacher trainer and run my own Registered Yoga School, accredited as a RYS-200 by Yoga Alliance.

I am passionate about the importance of a positive mindset and run an Amazon business selling mindfulness products to help improve mental health. 

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My qualifications

I am a 500 Hours Advanced Yoga Teacher, accredited by Yoga Alliance. I am qualified to teach many different types of yoga including hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga and yin yoga. I am also a qualified pre-natal, yoga for fertility and children's yoga teacher.

In addition to this, I am also a fully qualified Life Coach, accredited by NLP.

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My journey of self-discovery

Since 2014, I have been committed to my own growth and transformation. I previously lived a life out of alignment with my true self, in a job that was unfulfilling and in an unhappy marriage. For many years, I felt lost, helpless and that I wasn't in control of my life. This caused me to live with anxiety and panic attacks on a daily basis. 


Luckily, I found yoga and my life situation began to improve. I implemented a daily yoga practice and introduced positive affirmations to help improve my mindset. My life began to change for the better and I had the courage to step away from the fear and judgement that was holding me back. My daily habits helped to shift my mind in to a positive state and I felt empowered to take steps towards my dream life. 


I took 100% ownership and responsibility for my life and it led me to leaving the corporate world, after 15 years, to teach yoga full time. A few months later, I left my marriage. These 2 decisions were pivotal moments in my life which have enabled me to live a fulfilling life. 

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